Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Local Market Volume of Medical/Surgical Procedures

I continue my discussion of our use of the Medicare 100% file and other datasets to serve specific needs of medical product manufacturers.

As I mentioned, the Medicare 100% file is large (measured in gigabytes) unwieldy and, as anyone who has purchased raw data from the U.S. government can attest, the file is not constructed in the most convenient format to allow simply queries, summaries or other processes that will reveal meaninful insights. And, given the cost, the need for HIPAA-related disclosure agreements to be signed,m the dataset is not quite amenable to data analyst with occasional interest or need in purusing it. Lastly -- and this goes for all reimbursement or discharge survey datasets -- whatever logic may govern the coding systems (DRG, ICD-9 and CPT4) used in this data, the reality of how clinicians fle claims and how survey data is collected can result requires that working with claims-based and survey-based datasets be done by someone with experience in these issues.

Now you might understand why the question, "So if this is in the public domain, how is your product in any way unique?" causes me to take a breath before answering.

MMD has joined with Medical Technology Partners (MTP) to capitalize on MTP's use of these large datasets, which have been acquired for reimbursement consulting, to use them for answerng very technology-specific and facility-specific questions raised by medical product manufacturers.

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