Monday, July 10, 2006

Spine Surgery Market Development at a Pivotal Stage

[See also "Spine Surgery Worldwide, 2008-2017." Published March 2008. See link.]

Coverage in the July 2006 issue of MedMarkets includes an overview of the U.S. and worldwide spine surgery market (excerpt below).

Treatments for disorders of the spine – ranging from degenerative disc disease, kyphosis, diskitis, spinal stenosis, spondylolysis/spondylolisthesis and others – stand at a crux between multiple options. Spinal fusion (lumbar and cervical) will be on the rise for a few short years before disc replacement/repair and other approaches will have begun to penetrate significant caseload. Competitors in the market for spine surgery products face a combination of opportunity and risk that will result in big rewards for some and only brief rewards for others.

Worldwide Spine Surgery Market, 2003-2009

Source: MedMarket Diligence, LLC, Report #M501, "Worldwide Spine Surgery Market." Note: This report has been updated, January 2008, with report #M510, "Spine Surgery Worldwide, 2008-2017." See link.

Treatments for these disorders range from the non-surgical and inexpensive (bed rest) to complicated surgeries designed to excise tissue and halt vertebral segment motion (spinal fusion). “Back trouble”—especially among aging baby boomers and the elderly—is in no imminent danger of decline. Consequently, the spine-related osteobiologics market in the U.S. will undergo steady growth for the next decade. Although certain treatments and technologies currently enjoying a robust market share will likely be replaced by those now in development, older men and women will seek the best treatment alternatives available to help them maintain an active lifestyle.

Over the past two decades, the worldwide spine industry has grown dramatically, with annual revenues in 2004 estimated at about $3.4 billion. Disorders or conditions located in the lumbar area of the spine account for the majority of these revenues.

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